Thursday, August 13, 2009

On the Hunt for Dysport

I finally found a local plastic surgeon who began using Dysport when it first became FDA approved this summer. It is too early to tell how long the effects last when compared to Botox. It does, however, kick in sooner than Botox. That is the good news. The other good news is that according to this doctor the price of Dysport is about $100.00 less than Botox. I believe that this means $100.00 less per injection site. At least that is what she is charging. Some docs charge per injection site while others charge per unit. Ask your doctor how they determine the price BEFORE you make an appointment.

The learning curve is very slight, and it really is not a big deal. The measurements are slightly difference than Botox- but other than that it is very simple.

So then, what is all the fuss... ???? Are some doctors just plain lazy?- Why change what is clearly working???

Give the patients the choice! If in the end Botox wins out... well then... we can all go back to it.. Perhaps Allergen will have lowered the price by then. :-) Having an option is good- and if it lasts longer, kicks in faster and cost less... WOW. That is a win -win for everyone.

I am not due just yet for my Botox shot- when i am .... I now know where to go....:-) Stay tuned....

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