Sunday, December 27, 2009

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

No Tax on Cosmetic Surgery

The proposed 5% tax on cosmetic surgery prompted much discussion, petitions and uprise. It was outrageous and one could argue it targeted women. No just wealthy woman, but woman of all economic demographics who want to maintain a youthful appearance. The effect would have had a significant impact on the cosmetic surgery industry and all the industries that supply the cosmetic surgeons and dermatologists. Economic times are difficult enough without an extra 5% tax on Botax,dermal fillers, facelifts, etc. Thankfully, there will be no tax on these services, at least for now. Instead there will be a 10% tax on tanning. Of course tanning booths owners are not happy and it will effect their business. Indoor tanning is risky since it can lead to cancer.

"Doctors’ groups, including the American Academy of Dermatology Association, apparently had a strong hand in persuading Senate Democratic leaders to make the modification — an enhancement, the doctors might say — to the legislation."

Say goodbye to the "Botax" and hello to the tan tax.
Health care » Doctors had launched a full-court press against the cosmetic surgery tax.
By Matt Canham
The Salt Lake Tribune
Marking their latest attempt to find a politically palatable way to pay for health reform, Senate Democrats dropped a tax on cosmetic surgeries in favor of a new one on indoor tanning.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid included the taxing switch as part of a package of amendments released over the weekend, which were aimed to get all 58 Democrats and two independents on board. It appears he succeeded and now with 60 supportive senators, Reid can overcome any Republican attempt to block the health reform bill. A final vote is expected to take place on Christmas Eve.
"I'm glad the cosmetic surgery tax at least for now is out, but we are not ready to celebrate just yet," said Renalto Saltz, a Utah physician and the president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
He remains cautious because his group was caught flat-footed in late November, when Reid added a 5 percent tax on everything from face-lifts to breast augmentations to his version of the bill.
Senate leaders expected the cosmetic surgery tax to raise $6 billion in the next decade, only a small portion of the money needed to create a new social safety net to help insure low- to middle-income Americans. But that was $6 billion more than cosmetic surgeons wanted their customers to pay.
It took only hours for cosmetic surgeons to start an aggressive lobbying campaign.
Saltz, who runs a private practice in Holladay, was deeply involved in the effort, which focused on getting former patients to complain to their senators. Groups such as the aesthetic plastic surgery society also lobbied other doctors' organizations to come to their defense. Saltz said they created a coalition of 22 surgical societies, involving some of the nation's biggest groups including the American Medical Association.
Together, they argued the tax unfairly focused on women and marked the first time an individual medical procedure would be taxed. They also suggested the tax could lead more people to leave the country for less regulated cosmetic procedures.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Plastic Surgery Nightmare

Read this story which was published in marie claire on plastic surgery gone bad.

Greedy doctors cutting corners in today's economy. One should not shop plastic surgery based on price.

Such a sad story....

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fat Transfer or Not

Have you ever considered Fat Transfer instead of dermal fillers such as Sculptra, Radiesse, Juvederm or Resytlane for your cheek pad area? Puffing up the pads of the cheek area has become very popular lately. Check out all the model in the magazines and look at their cheeks. Madonna, Barbara Walters are 2 faces that come to my mind.

According to Matthew Schulman, MD., Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in NY City. "Fat can last forever if it takes. if it "takes"-problem is even best techniques only have 50-60% "take". I never put it in the face though because it is unpredictable.

As we age the underlying collagen and elastin fibers break down and wear out, resulting in wrinkles. We also lose what is called "subcutaneous fat" on our faces. This can causes us to look haggard, or hollow. There are many fillers on the market which when injected into the hollows of the cheek can give you a more youthful appearance. Many Plastic Surgeons use fat transfers in conjunction with face lifts to give the cheeks a fuller appearance. But this can also be overdone...causing an unnatural freakish appearance.

Fat grafting is the process of taking small amounts of fat from one part of the body and reimplanting it elsewhere, where it is needed. It takes about 30-45 minutes depending on how easy the fat is to harvest. However, because it is unpredictable, you should consult with your doctor, do your research and make an informed decision. Fat transfers are also widely used for other part of the body. The risks are minimal, there may be some soreness or swelling. The main downside is your body tends to absorb it and it can be lumpy.

When I asked four different Plastic Surgeons about Fat Transfer to the face area, only one would recommend it.

Dysport Competition

Just when I thought I have blogged enough about Dysport, I can upon an article in Dermatology Times, Oct 2009.

According to this article, " In a very random sampling of physicians from around the country... Doctors think it offers potential, but a lot of dermatologists seem to be taking a measured approach to trying it, rather than jumping in with both feet."

This seems to be go along with my most recent post. Botox is reliable. There also is the problem of the way in which it is diluted and the possibility of waste once it has been diluted.

"For people who feel Botox just no longer works as well as it once did, it's nice to have another choice."

Dr. Greenberg, a clinical assistant professor at the University of Nevada, points out that while competition could lead to lower pricing, the packaging for both products may interfere with that.

"Because you need less product with Dysport, it should cost less. The problem is the vials are labeled for single use, and in Nevada, we are restricted to using a vial on one patient only.

"So, even if a patient only needs a small portion of the vial, we have to toss the rest away, anyway.

"If they labeled the vials for multi-patient use or made smaller vials, that would result in a lower cost," Dr. Greenberg says.

"If Dysport made a smaller vial, I think they would overtake the market," he says.

Lastest on Dysport

It has been awhile since I have blogged... shame on me. Anyway, in my travels it seems as if Dysort is becoming popular in the local doc's offices as an alternative to Botox. However, it also seems as if most patients are still preferring their tried and true Botox. The price difference is insignificant and I am also finding that many offices are offering Botox specials.

I had the opportunity to try Dysport- however, I chose to stay with what I know works. Am I tempted to try Dysport- I am. :-)

So perhaps my next entry on this subject will be yes, I made the switch!! Stay tuned!!